18 Must Haves for Your First Aid Kit

Chances are you have a small first aid kit around somewhere. Perhaps you picked it up when you were in the pharmacy, thinking it would be handy to have around. But have you ever looked to see what’s inside that first-aid kit? If it’s like most pre-made kits, it really isn’t going to be much help for anything more serious than a scraped knee.

A good first-aid kit is a critical piece of equipment to have around for emergency situations. During any emergency, medical services are overwhelmed. Even if you can get to the hospital or can get an ambulance to your home, you may have to wait for hours to get the service you need.

Having a well-stocked first-aid kit can literally mean the difference between life and death; especially in a crisis situation where medical services are overwhelmed. The ability to take care of minor injuries in your own home is something every family needs.