7 Personal Hygiene Tips for When the City Water Service is Down

Amongst all the various things that are needed to prepare for a disaster, it’s easy to overlook the need for personal hygiene. Yet, personal hygiene is necessary for maintaining health as sickness and disease often follow filth. Even worse, one of the greatest spreaders of disease is human waste. Improper care of this waste can cause severe health problems.

Taking care of these things really isn’t all that hard even in a crisis, although it does require learning how to do things in different ways. More than anything, it requires cleaning in ways that require minimal water usage because you probably won’t have any to waste.

The average American uses somewhere over 100 gallons of water per day. Would you still use that much water if you had to haul it from the river? Of course not. Yet, if the city water is down and you don’t have a well at home, you could find yourself hauling every gallon of water that you use.