8 Unusual Weapons for Home Defense

It doesn’t do you any good to do everything you can to survive any sort of disaster that might come along if you’re unprepared to defend your home. While we can all hope that our property never comes under attack, hope alone won’t keep us safe.

In a crisis situation where there is a shortage of food, there is a pretty good chance that hungry people will be out looking for sustenance for their families. If they find out that you have a stockpile in your house, they may just decide that they need that food more than you do. Your ability to defend your home in such a case may be all that keeps you and your family alive and happily eating.

While firearms are the weapons of choice to protect your home, they aren’t the only thing you can use. Almost anything can become a weapon when the need arises. But to transform an everyday object into an effective weapon, you must have already thought about how you will use it so that you’re ready when the time comes.