Should You Bug Out or Stay In?

One of the biggest decisions that we have to make as preppers is whether to bug out or bug in. Survivalists talk a lot about bugging out, from the best bug-out vehicles and how to create a bug-out bag to different means of making a bunker in the wild to survive in. At the same time, there’s also a lot of talk about how to stockpile and prepare for a disaster—much of which sounds more like it would have to be done at home, rather than a bug-out location.

Of course, most of us can’t afford to build that bunker in the woods so finances become a necessary part of the equation. Bugging out to a prepared, stocked location in the woods can be very effective, whereas bugging out to an unprepared location, just so that you can get out of town, is much harder to manage. There are many factors that have to be taken into consideration when making this decision.